April this year has become the month of anniversaries apparently. For the last seven years April has been always the month of my «bloggiversary», and from this year on I also have to add my wedding anniversary!
(más…)April this year has become the month of anniversaries apparently. For the last seven years April has been always the month of my «bloggiversary», and from this year on I also have to add my wedding anniversary!
(más…)Hi lovelies, this Insta recap is probably the shortest recap so far in all these years because in case you haven’t noticed it, I wasn’t posting much on Instagram last month. For the first time in 6 years of blogging, I took a week break of social media and yes, it’s true what they say, it’s liberating.
Hey lovelies! We finally wrapped month number one of 2019 😉 Are you like me? Who feels January hast like 80 days and December barely has like, 10? Haha well, long or short, my first recap of the year is here!
Wait, what did just happen this month? I got engaged, got a new tattoo, couldn’t have time to celebrate Halloween for the first time ever, got back to Argentina after living half year in the UK… Uff… let’s rewind, shall we?
Year after year, when it comes the time for me to post my September Insta-recap, I realise how close we are to soon say goodbye to a whole year. It’s in October when I this «when did this year go?» and unlike previous months, stare for one minute and add «for real!». Ready or not, here we are, in the last trimester of 2018, and it’s always a bit bittersweet.
It seems like yesterday that I was welcoming 2018 and now we’re entering the fourth month of the year, crazy innit? Days are changing, seasons are changing, who know what this new season of the year will bring for us. 🙂 I personally can’t wait to see what April has in store!