Hello my lovelies! First of all I wanted to thank you for all the lovely messages I got over the past weeks because of my engagement, both in the blog and social media. When that happened, I got this feeling that I had experienced before in occasions like my temporary move to London or back in 2014 when I graduated uni. I felt a bit weird by sharing those moments with strangers and not-so-strangers, but at the same time I wanted to because it’s part of my life, and this blog is not only about fashion but also life.
I’ve been blogging for 6 years now, and I’ve seen my fellow girls moving into different stages of their lives, but when you stop and think about it for a second you realize how crazy that is, right? It feels almost as we were all growing together in a way cause we’ve been sharing those big moments of life like engagements, weddings, baby announcements, graduations, promotions… well, life! with each other.
Take for example Chiara Ferragni’s baby announcement or wedding. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who felt in a super teeny tiny way connected to those moments because I’ve been following her since almost a decade. Or when Kristina Bazan left blogging for music, or hey, even bloggers who visit my blog and I visit theirs, and from time to time I see a big life event and I’m there, genuinely happy commenting on their announcements. We all feel connected or part of it in some small way because we feel like we “know” them.
Then of course there’s the creepy element if you put too much thought into it lol. And there are moments some big influencers probably don’t want to share but feel the social pressure to do so, or even if they don’t, they have tons of people asking them about it. Like for example, I don’t follow many vloggers but I check now and then Madison Sarah’s channel and I saw a vid of her and her fiancé (who appears regularly in her channel) telling US that THEY had broken up. And I was like wow, it’s all laugh and roses when I share my happy bits and life events but something like that? I would never be ready for that. I’m also glad I’m not a big influencer or anything like that so I don’t get many questions or even demands from people to tell them about my life! Lol.
How much of your actual life do you share guys? I’d like to slowly start sharing a bit more with you because big things are coming up like the wedding, me moving to England permantely, the struggles of a long-distance relationship and all that stuff that at the end of the day makes me who I am. But only time will tell if I’ll actually dare to tell you all those things. 🙂
Dress*: Blooming Jelly – Faux-leather jacket: Primark – Boots: Dorothy Perkins – Bag: Primark