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You guys, I’m so excited! My favorite time of the year is about to begin! I cant wait to start seeing Halloween decorations on the stores and (some) houses. And you know what’s coming next… don’t even get me started talking about the Holidays!! <333 It’s funny to see how my Pinterest boards “Halloween Fever” and “Christmas Holidays” start getting more followers from these days on, seriously! Okay, but we are here for my monthly Instagram recap and we still have to farewell September so let’s do that first. 😉


Chic@s, estoy muy emocionada! Mi época favorita del año está por empezar! No puedo esperar para ver las decoraciones de Halloween en las tiendas y (algunas) casas. Y ya saben lo que viene después… ni qué hablar de las Fiestas!! <333 Es gracioso ver cómo mis tableros de Pinterest “Halloween Fever” y “Christmas Holidays” empiezan a tener más seguidores a partir de estos días, en serio! Okay, pero estamos aquí para mi recapitulación mensual de Instagram y todavía tengo que despedir a Septiembre  así que hagamos eso primero. 😉


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1. From the post “Slightly Flared” 2. Wrapping up the weekend with an early Sunday dinner 3. & 4. From the exhibition “Salta 100% Diseño”

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My strawberry obsession!

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1. From the post “Blogger Recognition Award” 2. #fromwhereistand 😉 3. #tbt to a beautiful sunset in July 4. From the post “Black out”

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Close-up to the Zaful shoes when I received them

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1. Playing tourist in ym city (I had to take a picture with those patterned cactus!!) 2. Blossoming tree 3. From the post “The Statement Dress” 4. Friday evening: feeling some weekend vibes!


Already setting the Halloween mood…

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1. Is it a necklace? No! Is it a bracelet? Noo! It’s a chain belt!! 😉 2. #tbt to the post “The Wall” 3. From my latest post “Lace-up” 4. Last selfie of September!

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Sunny Monday morning before weather changed 🙂