Triyit UK snacks box deborah ferrero style by deb

Like I read on Twitter the other day: «Physically, I’m about to start October. Mentally, I’m still processing March». Welcome to another edition of My Insta-Month: Goodbye September!


I’m sooo excited for October, guys. I mean, Halloween decorations, candles, cozy nights in, horror movies… all the clichés that I love lol. This is oficially the beginning of my favorite time of the year.

It starts with always-fun-and-cool Halloween and it ends with the most wonderful time of the year, Christmas and New Years. Don’t forget to check my Halloween posts from previous years here (nail art), and here (food) for some inspo -or follow my Pinterest «Halloween Fever» board!


But back to present time, September was a lot of fun and tons of yummy collabs. I think it was the closest to being a food blogger I ever got lol. Thanks to Triyit UK, my feed was flooded by the coolest snacks and I discovered some new favorites.

Before the month ended, another major collab landed to my inbox: Braun. I’ll be testing their new Silk Expert Pro 5, which is an IPL device to use at home for permanent hair removal.

IPL stands for Instense Pulsed Light, it sends waves of light to the hair follicule, reaches the roots and inhibits hair growth from 4 to 12 weekly sessions. If you guys want to follow closely my Braun IPL journey, I’ll be updating weekly on my Instagram, and at the end I’ll make a pretty complete and informative blogpost about it, too.


Last but not least, and among the fever for Reels (which I’ve been creating too), I decided to record a new IGTV video for my channel. I got some cute beauty and skincare freebies during the month so I wanted to talk about them with you guys. Hope you enjoy it!



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My IGTV channel woke up when September ended lol. I'm back on IGTV after a while because I wanted to show you guys my September beauty and skincare freebies! These include: @makeuprevolution Onyx Primer @aveenobabyukire Soothing Relief Emolient Cream @makeuprevolution Lip Prime & Perfect @hawaiiantropic Silk Hydration Sun Lotion SPF30 @loveimperialleather Foam Burst 3 Day Long Lasting Moisturisation Body Wash @colgate Gum Invigorate Mouthwash with Ginseng Extract @lancomeofficial Advanced Génifique Youth Activating Concentrate @lancomeofficial Rénergie Multi Lift Ultra @elizabetharden Eight Hour Cream @oriflame NovAge Ideal PerfectionSerum, Eye Cream, Night Cream, Day Cream and Supreme Cleansing Gel @narsissist Climax Extreme Mascara @elizabetharden Hyaluronic Acid Ceramide Serum Capsules Hope you enjoy seeing me struggling trying to pronounce the crazy names skincare brands put their products lol! Let me know in the comments below if you want a more in-depth review of any of these items!! . . #skincare #video #igtv #igtvskincare #skincareblogger #beautyvideo #beautyigtv #beautyblogger #ukbeautyblogger #londonbeautyblogger #skincareblog #skincarevideo #influencer #microinfluencer #ukinfluencer #londoninfluencer #skincareinfluencer #skincareaddict #skincarejunkie #skincareobsessed #discoverunder5k #skincareproducts #skincarecommunities #freebies #gifted #skincarelover #beautylover

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