April this year has become the month of anniversaries apparently. For the last seven years April has been always the month of my «bloggiversary», and from this year on I also have to add my wedding anniversary!
My bloggiversary, on April 24th, has always been an emotional moment for me. It sounds silly but my blog is like my little baby, and I actually can’t believe this «baby» is now 7 years old!
Feels like an eternity ago since I published my first post, and so much has happened in these last year. I always remember my humble beginnings, writing from my home in a little town in Argentina, taking pictures with an old digital camera, and clining to an old Samsumg laptop until last year when it broke.
Even though I haven’t become super successful or anything, I still see how much I’ve grown and how much I learned. And honestly, for some reason, every year at this time, when I have to renew or not another year of paid domain, I can never seem to be willing to give up on my blog.
I’ve known many bloggers from my era who have abandoned their blogs now because of different reasons. I just can’t close it. I don’t want to, even though it takes a lot of my time and money to keep this blog alive.I feel like I’d be closing the door to many other opportunities and, you know, where I come from I don’t have many opportunities presented to me, so I can’t afford the luxury of reject them now.
As for my wedding anniversary, 26th of April, it was lovely and weird because of course we’re still under lockdown, so no fancy restaurants and dressing up. And to be honest with you, I liked it this way better. We cooked an Argentinian meal for dinner which took us back to our lovely South American wedding.
It felt so nice because it wasn’t only about the meal (as in when you go to a restaurant), it was also about being in our kitchen, cooking together at the rythm of tango and sipping Argentine wine. The whole experience of cooking and then having dinner felt right and complete.
Have a lovely month of May, babes.