Deborah Ferrero in Kukubird leggings

A few months ago I was lucky enough to win a giveaway from Kukubird and I got a funky pair of leggings and a couple of cute accessories. I never showed them here on the blog so I thought it was about time!

I hadn’t heard of Kukubird until that giveaway, and when I checked them out I saw they have the funkiest leggings out there. They don’t shy away from color, patterns and graphics.

Girl getting ready to run
Style by Deb posing in Kukubird leggings

Having said that, they also offer basics, and I even saw a few designs in black or grey with goth patterns that look pretty cool, too.

I randomly got Legally Blonde inspired leggings. They went all the way with a 2D Reese Witherspoon plastered on the outer side of my thighs, cause that’s how they roll. The rest is an explosion of pink, girly prints and fonts.

My accessories were: a lovely coin purse and a medium sized purse or beauty nécessaire with a heart emoji on it. They both have that funkiness from Kukubird and look super youthful and cute.

No comments on my jogging abilities lol. Even though I try, it’s not my thing. I rather power-walk 5k than running 1.2k (literal numbers haha). Luckily, there are many beautiful spots here in Wales to walk safely and enjoy nature.



Deborah Ferrero stretching in Legally Blonde leggings
Close up to Kukubird leggings
Deborah Ferrero ready to jog
Sportwear Kukubird
Girl jogging in Wales
Girl resting from jogging in Kukubird leggings
Close up to Kukubird leggings

Ph: Robert Howells

Leggings and accessories: Kukubird – T-shirt: Zaful (old) – Sneakers: Gift