«…I’ma go what I like, I’ma wear what I like, I’ma party tonight», like the song says. The circumstances for this year’s birthday are very unique (coronavirus) but I’m still going to make the most out of it.

I didn’t have originally planned to spend my birthday at home only with the husband and no friends, but it turned out to be one of the loveliest days of the year. He treated me with a lot of gifts, a gorgeous (and delicious) cake, and much love, at that’s way more than enough.

I videocalled my loved ones in Argentina, and I felt nostalgic for not being there anymore, but today more than anything, it’s a sign of how the time passes, how we grow up and make decisions on the way that would lead us to different places, different scenarios, different circumstances.

I’m a nostalgic person by nature, and birthdays get me equally happy and melancholic, just like in NYE too. Do you feel like that too? This year particularly, with the end of a decade and the beginning of a new one, and how everything changed so extremely during these 10 years, I can’t help to look back and see the difference.

Anyway, thanks for all the lovely birthday messages, guys!! Check my Instagram stories for all the lockdown birthday fun haha.



Ph: Robert Howells