Becoming a homeowner is the priciest thing most people will ever do. In the same way you’d like to save money on buying and maintaining a vehicle, you’ll want to cut back the costs of owning a home as well. Because it’s not just the mortgage and the bills you have to pay; you fork out for decor, furniture, and the long term upkeep as well.
From appliances breaking down to mold growing in the corners, you’ve got a lot of work ahead. Even a new home can take some serious structural damage after a storm! So let’s make it much more affordable with a few tips.
Make Your Cleaning List a Bit Longer
Cleaning is a proactive action you can take to eliminate future repair jobs. Taking the dust and fibres out of the filter in a dryer is one such task – a fire could easily start if this is left to build up. Similarly, getting rid of the grease on the backsplash will save the grouting another day, as well as prevent fire in the same manner.
And while it can be hard to stay on top of mess in the home, especially if you’ve got kids, these big picture concerns should come first on the cleaning list. Get them done at least once a week and you’ll live a lot safer.
Believe in Your Own Repair Skills
The more you can repair your house yourself, the less time you’ll spend trying to find good repair companies, calling up for a quote, and then having to somehow account for the callout charge. Of course, some repairs are going to be too big, but most just take knowhow.
For example, a broken tumble dryer can be a simpler job than you might think. Take a look inside to assess the damage, buy any new parts you might need, and then you can follow these steps to replace the dryer drive belt yourself if need be. Always make sure devices are unplugged and away from any wet patches before doing repair work, and wear goggles and gloves as well.
Start Saving Early
If you can, save up from the moment you become concerned about the repairs your home might need. It’s best to save from the day you buy the house, but if that slipped your mind back then the second best time is now, as the proverb tells us. For the sake of repairs, it’s best to save up at least 1% to 2% of your home’s current value.
For example, if your property cost you £320,000, you’ll need around £3200 to £6400. You can use any of the many online calculators if your home’s price is a bit more wild, but use this as a general rule for the future. Even just a couple hundred pounds in the pot is better than nothing at all.
Home upkeep and TLC carries a hefty price. Plan for yours with the right information in your pocket.