適當的口腔護理是終身投資,所以很多專家都會建議父母從小開始培養小孩注重口腔衛生。對於口腔衛生課題例如: 如何獲得健康的牙齒、如何避免牙齦出血等,都關乎到長遠的生活習慣、生活方式的選擇、專業的健康投資。特別是如果你想永遠擁有健康亮白的笑容,口腔護理實在是慢慢長路!在談論這一切大課題之先,不妨先踏出一小步,參考以下的日常口腔護理習慣,保持牙齒健康:
- 定期刷牙
雖然很多人的刷牙習慣都有所不同,但不妨參考專家所建議的“每天兩次”刷牙規則。對於健康的牙齦和牙齒,每天刷牙兩次其實已經足夠: 一次在早上準備出門前,一次在準備睡教前,有助去除積累在牙縫的食物殘渣。
- 正確刷牙
- 牙線是關鍵
- 使用漱口水
- 改善飲食
這包括限制你攝入的食物和飲料,如薯片,硬糖和蘇打水。很多具有健康益處的飲料也會導致咖啡和紅酒等染色; 為避免影響牙齒健康及其外觀,請考慮進食更健康的食物,如蘋果,胡蘿蔔條,生菜,西蘭花和奶酪。盡量多飲水,因為脫水可能減少唾液的產生,使我們容易出現口臭。
- 安排定期牙科預約
健康的牙齦和牙齒不會在一夜之間發生。事實上,護理牙齒需要同時也要培養良好的習慣,也要一輩子的堅持。如果您有敏感性牙齒或需要更進一步的牙科治療,請立即與您的牙醫預約進行適當的檢查; 繼續保持微笑!
Habits that Could Make the Difference in the Health of Your Teeth
Proper oral care is a lifelong investment which is why many experts advise parents to teach their young ones dental hygiene as soon as possible. When it comes to achieve healthy teeth and avoid 牙齦 出血, certain habits, lifestyle choices, and investment in seeking professional health can come a long way, especially if you intend to keep your smile for as long as you can! To start, here are some habits that can make all the difference in keeping your teeth healthy:
1.Brush your teeth regularly
Many people often vary when it comes to brushing their teeth although many experts tend to follow the “twice a day” rule. For healthy gums and teeth, brush your teeth twice a day. Once in the morning when getting ready to go out and once before heading to bed to get rid of food debris you may accumulated.
2. Brush your teeth properly
How you brush your teeth is just as important as how often you brush them. Instead of moving your toothbrush from side to side, use small and gentle circular motions instead. This helps target food particles that may be stuck between your teeth and helps remove plaque buildup faster. Don’t forget to brush your tongue as well!
3. Flossing is key
Many people tend to neglect flossing because they only rely on brushing which is pretty much a bad idea. Flossing allows us to remove food particles that are hard to reach while also giving our gums that much needed massage. If you have difficulty using regular dental floss, consider using floss wands instead. They are especially useful for children and older adults who have problem with motor skills.
4. Include mouthwash
Bad breath may be caused by too much acid in the mouth. To prevent this from occurring, many experts recommend rinsing your mouth with mouthwash mixed with water. They’re also incredibly helpful in targeting hard-to-reach places while giving your entire mouth a minty rinse.
5. Improve your diet
This includes limiting your intake of cavity-causing food and drinks like chips, hard candies, and soda. Sometimes, certain drinks that have health benefits can also cause staining like coffee and red wine. To avoid affecting the health of your teeth and it’s appearance, consider munching on healthier food sources instead like apples, carrot sticks, lettuce, broccoli, and cheese. Increase your water intake as well since dehydration prevents the production of saliva, making us susceptible to bad breath.
6. Schedule regular dental appointments
No matter how well we take care of our teeth, sometimes a professional may identify signs that we ourselves aren’t aware of. To check for any potential dental problems, visit your dentist twice a year (or once every six months) for an in-depth assessment.
Healthy gums and teeth don’t just happen overnight. In fact, it requires a lifetime of making better choices while also practicing good habits until they become natural. If you have sensitive teeth or may need additional dental assistance, please schedule an appointment with your dentist today for a proper check-up. Keep smiling!