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I decided to make an earlier Insta recap because this will be also my yearly recapitulation. My official last post of the year: «Goodbye December + 2020 Recap».


My first Christmas in the UK! It was definitely a weird one as the way we celebrate it in Argentina is much more cheerful and lively lol. But how wouldn’t we, if we’re in the middle of summer and we’re in duh, Latin America hahah.

Also, Covid. My husband’s family explained to me that this is not how they usually do Christmas. Here in the UK we’re in Tier 4 a.k.a lockdown again so there was no much to do, honestly.

All in all, it was fine and I’m glad I finally got to be together with my husband for Christmas but I do love my Argentinian Christmas more. Not only because of the «fun» factor but also because I miss my family a lot during these days.



It’s a bit sad to talk about highlights of 2020, not only because of the pandemic, but also because this year was a new beginning to me. If I say one of my highlights of this year was moving to the UK to start a life with my husband (which is obviously a big, great thing), I’m also thinking of the end of my old life in Argentina. And that’s a sad thought.

I loved my life in Argentina with my dear family and friends. Coming to the UK was tough enough on its own, and Covid only made it harder. So even though I still agree that moving to the UK is a big 2020 highlight, and I’m happy to live with my husband, it’s more of a bittersweet highlight.


There are two trips this year that also made it to the podium. The first one was in January, just 3 weeks before I left my hometown. Me, my sister and my niece went of a fun girls-only getaway near Cafayate, Salta.

I had so much fun and I’m glad I could spend quality time with two of my favorite people in the world before I moved. We had yummy local food, play a lot with my lovely niece who I miss with my soul, and even had fun in the hotel pool (oh, pre-pandemic times!).

The other trip was just a month ago, in November. It turned out to be one of the most romantic trips I’ve ever done with hubby, actually. We went exploring different cities in West Wales and came back with the loviest memories of this year.


Almost before the Holidays began, I got my final surprise and highlight of the year. A life-changer one! We welcomed our first pet together: a lovely kitten called Gacha. He’s the sweetest and craziest little cat. We love him dearly and hope he lives with us a full, happy long life next to us.


It might come as no surprise that just like the rest of the world, I wish this nightmare to end when we pop the champagne at 00:00:01. But that’s not how it works, so all I wish is that 2021 is at least slightly better than 2020, and more hopeful.

I wish we reach normality again, and by normality I mean the new normality post Covid. I can’t wait to go back to London and settle there witha job, hubby and Gacha.

Happy New Year and Welcome 2021!!!

