Hello again lovelies 🙂 As I teased in my previous post, today’s post was going to be a different one: no OOTDs, no Trends articles or DIYs. Today’s all about sharing some love and support within the blogging community, more specifically, to the lovely Em from This Is Em’s World who kindly featured me in her Blogger Showcase series.

Em’s idea is basically to get to know each other better and keep the blogging community connected, strong and positive. She created a series in her blog that features bloggers from any niche and topic who wants to answer some questions for a blogpost, like a little interview. 🙂 I thought it was a lovely idea so I took part in it and now my feature is live on This Is Em’s World, you can read it HERE.

In the showcase I talk about blogging as well as some fun personal questions like what would be my perfect day like, my favorite food or what do I do when I’m not blogging 🙂 And guys, if you want to, you can take part of the series too! Em is extremely lovely and the questions are fun <3

This is by any means required but I just personally want to show my appreciation to Em by also sharing HER blog and social media links <333

Blog: http://thisisemsworld.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xemstagramxo/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Strictly_Em

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/emsworldblog1/

Bloglovin: https://www.bloglovin.com/@emsworldblog

Hope you guys drop by her blog and if you’re ever featured let me know! I’d love to read your answers 🙂

